Sunday, April 11, 2010

Come Tuesday morning....

IF Tuesday morning ever gets here....It will be the one of the best and most scary days of my life. 
IF Tuesday morning ever gets here.....It will be 413 days since my baby boy was born. 
IF Tuesday morning ever gets here.....We will be getting ready for Brayden to get his "new" kidney. 

There were so many times in those first few weeks of Brayden's life that I wondered if we would ever get to Tuesday morning.  When we first started this journey, we were told that if Buddy got his transplant by age 5 we would be lucky.  I didnt accept that and yes, I pushed him harder than I probably should have but we are here and he is healthy!

The past few days have been suprisingly low stress and VERY laid back to me.....I was asking myself today...why have the past few days been so easy?  Then I answered myself.....................Calories dont matter, how much he eats doesnt matter, how much he throws back up doesnt matter, that's why.  Just a few more days, I thought, and life will be a lil different.  The past few days-didnt matter! At least on the medical side of things...

The past few days have been INCREDIBLE!  Brayden has been in the best mood!  He has been SO funny.  Kyle has been off and we have hung out and played around the house.

Just a few numbers that float around in my head all day...

Brayden's birthday 2/24/09
Birth weight 5lb 5oz
Brith length 17 in

Weight now  22lb (10kg)
Length now 29 in

Normal potassium 3.5-5.5
Lowest potassium 1.8 
Highest potassium 7.4

Normal sodium 135-145
Lowest sodium 121
Highest sodium 156

Normal BUN 7-20
Highest BUN 89
Lowest BUN 16

Normal Creatinine 0.2-1.0
Lowest Creatinine 1..22
Highest Creatinine 4.6

Total days on dialysis  278
Total hours on dialysis 2286 (13 weeks/24hrs/day)

Total number of times under anethesia  10 (counting transplant)
Total procedures so far 16.....PUV resection, PD cath placement, Gtube placement, L inguinal hernia repair, R inguinal hernia repair, L Orchiopexy, PD cath replacement, Rectal Biopsy, PD cath out, PD cath #3, Port placement, EGD, Ph Probe Study,  L nephrectomy, R nephrectomy, Bladder augmentation....

Number of hospital stays overnight  5  (wow, that's not many)
Number of Dr. Malagon visits  48
Number of lab draws  79

Highest number of meds  21
Lowest number of meds  12

Number of doctors he has  7 ......  Malagon-Nephrology,  Hill-Urology, Fowler-General Surgery, Kendall-Gastroenterology, Treece-Peds, Grandas-Transplant, Goldman-Transplant

Wish us luck, IF Tuesday ever gets here!


  1. I hope you two have a speedy recovery!!! Can't wait to have you guys back in town doing well
